The non-emergency police telephone number for our area is 720-913-0200 (put this number in your phone).
Pebble Creek is located in Denver Police District 4.
If you witness something suspicious, say something, report it to authorities, don’t expect someone else to keep our community safe. If you have general questions or concerns about Pebble Creek, join and post to the moderated Facebook – Pebble Creek Community (Denver) .
September 2018 insurance advice provided by Dodrill Insurance

Walk-in reports can be filed at most police stations. Beginning in 2019, each station’s front desk should be open daily from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Denver Police Dept. Website (see the link on the DPD site to Report A Crime online, regarding theft, vandalism, lost property, etc.)
Denver Police Dept. on Twitter
Google Map to Dist. 4 Station @ 2100 S Clay St
DPD Neighborhood Watch and Crime Prevention
Pedestrian Safety / Back To School
Knowing your neighbor
Please pay close attention to the Recycling Instructions (PDF). A limited number of items are OK to place in the recycle bin. When non approved items are placed in the recycling bin, the recycling service cannot pick up the dumpster.
Please flatten ONLY cardboard boxes.
Cans (do not crush or flatten).
Clean, balled aluminum foil (2” or larger) and pie pans.
Corrugated cardboard and paper bags.
Empty aerosol cans (no caps).
Empty and rinse all containers. Do not flatten containers.
Glass bottles and jars.
Loose metal jar lids and steel bottle caps.
Magazines, brochures and catalogs.
Newspapers and inserts (no bags).
Paper egg cartons.
Paper milk or juice cartons (no foil pouches, do not flatten).
Paperback books.
Paperboard boxes.
Plastic tubs and screw-top jars type #1-7 (no lids, no #7 PLA compostables, do not flatten).
Pipes and Freezing Weather
Electric Portable Space Heater Safety (.JPG)
If your plumbing is located on an exterior wall, let the cold and hot water faucets drip slightly during periods of extreme cold to prevent pipes from breaking and causing damage to your unit or some other unit in your building. This warning is especially for Buildings 5, 10, 12, 22, 13, and 14.
If your pipes do freeze, call Management immediately. We have a pipe thawing machine and can usually get the water moving again without causing a flood.
Courtesy and Cleanliness
Please remember that you are sharing space with over 200 families! As such, it is extra important to keep the community clean, pleasant, and family-friendly.
Shared spaces fall under HOA rules. No matter what you smoke, please do it in an area where it is not disruptive to others.
If your unit is producing a smell that bothers your neighbors (be that marijuana, incense, cigarettes, or delicious meals), consider closing windows, installing a filter, or using an air purifier.
Be considerate regarding noise levels, including car speaker volume and outdoor conversations.
If you reserve the Clubhouse for an event, inform your guests that they cannot park in fire lanes. Clean up all party materials, including glitter, signs, balloons, and ribbons.
Auto theft warning posted by Denver Police Dept. in October 2016
Crime Prevention Tips from the Denver Police Department.
- Keep your vehicle locked up (even when parked in front of your home).
- Don’t leave anything of value in the vehicle; take them with you or lock in the trunk. This is especially true for a purse, IPod, GPS, computer case, or money.
- Keep your house key and vehicle key separate.
- Remove your garage door opener from your vehicle when parked in your driveway or on the street.
- Always keep a copy of your vehicle registration, license number and VIN on you.
- Do not warm up your vehicle in the morning without you being in it.
- Park your vehicle in areas that are highly visible and well lit.
- Never hide a second set of keys inside your vehicle.
- Approach your parked vehicle from the passenger side – this gives you the opportunity to observe under your vehicle while walking.
- Before entering your vehicle, look inside of your vehicle front and back area for suspicious circumstances.
Home Fire Safety
Please visit the Denver Fire Department Home Fire Safety page
Pebble Creek Pet Rules Reminder
Pets are NOT permitted to run free on PEBBLE CREEK property. Dogs are required to be on a leash and under control of their owner, at all times. Pet owners may NOT leave a pet unattended on a patio, balcony, or chained to trees.
You are REQUIRED to pick up after your pet. Any persons observed allowing their pet to defecate on the lawns and not immediately cleaning it up, may be assessed a fine (fines will be assessed to the homeowner, whether the unit is rented or occupied by the owner and could cause a lease to be terminated).
Dogs and cats must be licensed in Denver. It shall be unlawful for the owner, possessor or keeper of any domestic dog over the age of six (6) months or domestic cat over the age of six (6) months to keep, maintain, house or have in possession within the city a dog or cat without first having obtained a license for such dog or cat. Dogs or cats over the age of six (6) months purchased, obtained or otherwise acquired shall be licensed within thirty (30) days after such acquisition or, if under, within thirty (30) days after reaching six (6) months of age.
Licenses may be applied for in person, by telephone, by mail, or online by the owner of a dog or cat or an owner’s representative. Upon filing of the completed application, and payment of the license fee, Denver shall issue to the applicant a one-year license for the current year, a three-year license for the current and two (2) subsequent years or a permanent license for the lifetime of the dog or cat.
Rabies vaccination required. Given the wildlife present on the grounds (raccoons, squirrels, and the occasional coyote) it is very possible that your pet could be exposed to a rabid wild animal.
Any person who acquires within the city a dog or cat has a duty to have it vaccinated within thirty (30) days of such acquisition unless the dog or cat has not yet reached an age at which it is safe to vaccinate the animal; provided, however, that in any case the dog or cat must be vaccinated before reaching the age of six (6) months.
Spay/neuter is required for dogs and cats living in the City and County of Denver.
Fireworks Fines up to $999
Be aware of Coyotes

In Denver, setting off fireworks OF ANY KIND is illegal. A violation in Denver can result in a fine of up to $999 and/or up to one year in jail. Teams of police and firefighters are already out patrolling for fireworks offenders. They say using any kind of fireworks in the city or county is not only illegal — but dangerous. But Denver Police and firefighters remind residents fireworks can hurt or kill you. The more family-friendly fireworks that experts say worry them most. “We look at exploding ones and think of them as the most dangerous. But Sparklers cause more injuries than any other firework every year. It’s no different than putting a welding iron in a child’s hands then expecting nothing to happen,” says Denver Fire Chief Eric Tade.
Denver Fire Department (new window)
Stay away from electrical transformers!
There are a number of high voltage transformers on site. Tampering with a transformer can result in electrocution. Xcel Energy has a 10-foot easement around the transformers. If Xcel Energy or their subcontractors need access to a transformer, they have the legal right to immediately remove any fence or obstruction or tow a vehicle.
Over time, the concrete bases on which the transformers sit have settled, and some have tipped. The concrete bases cannot be made level again, given the risk of affecting high voltage lines underneath the concrete base. Do not attempt to paint transformers. Do not attempt to remove graffiti from transformers (contact Xcel Energy).
Residents of Building 2 (east of the clubhouse) have a good view of the forested area east of the clubhouse. A couple years ago, coyotes were seen almost daily in winter months, wandering along the north fence of the tennis courts. Several residents had their small dogs unexpectedly killed by the coyotes.
Disposal of large items
Discarding large items by the dumpster will result in fines being assessed by the HOA and charged directly to the owner of the offending unit. Landlords are encouraged to withhold damage deposit refunds until it can be verified that no large items were left behind.
Near the end of each month or the first week of each month there may be a roll-off dumpster located in the souch central part of the complex where you can dispose of large items.
Contact management if you plan to discard large items near a dumpster, or if trash from your remodeling or recarpeting fills a dumpster. The HOA is automatically billed additional amounts each month by the trash company when large items are picked up. Contact management and remit an appropriate payment in advance of large item pickup.